Yes! You can customize all output such as bid sheets, gift certificates, name tags, or catalog (program brochure) in Auction! desktop edition. You can also customize reports to include other fields or remove fields, saving your customization for easy re-use. You can use your own logos and images and choose any font on your computer.
Even when you work in Auction! Cloud, you can also add your own fonts, logos and images.
Auction! is a complete auction solution that keeps track of everything you need to run a successful auction event, and produces all of the documents and reports you need. It is a Windows program that runs on any supported Windows platform. It provides bridges to online or mobile auctions as well. Updates to the software are always free. If we fix something or add a new feature, we want all of our customers to have access to the best copy of the software. We also offer Auction!, Cloud, A!Online and A!Mobile.
Auction! V4 is a software program to help manage a fundraising activity such as a gala, golf tournament or other event that can include a silent and/or live auction. We have added many new features and capabilities including: ability to store logos to reproduce on documents, flexibility in how names appear on documents, additional item types (pending, retail, bid board), more customization of documents, reports and exports, etc.
We have added just about everything that our customers expressed a wish for, during a phone call or in an email, and more!
See our features list here...(replace with a link or page: http://auctionsystems.com/ProdComparison.htm)
No, but you'll need to purchase a license key each year for a nominal cost.
In subsequent year, to have access to all the support features and videos, you need to purchase a continuing support key. All support features are included in the first year.
For a little more in subsequent years, you get access to the support features and videos, and enable premium features such as credit card processing, bridge to online auctions and bridge to mobile auctions. Note: Premium Features are available at no cost during the first year of your license.
You may only purchase it for a single club or chapter of an organization, such as "Downtown Lions Club #1241". Each club or chapter needs to secure its own license.
For a Mac, when you have a windows boot sector, you can use Auction! Desktop. Otherwise, you can use Auction! Cloud. It runs in a browser on any platform. It is already networked so your team can work together regardless of location or type of computer they own. (See Cloud pricing)
We do not like to depend on an internet connection to the cloud at the event. So we issue a license key that can be installed on your own computers for the event, in case wired internet is not available.
If you wish to run Auction! (or other PC-based software) on a Mac, you’ll need to make your Mac run as a PC. Please see the Apple website:
https://support.apple.com/mac for help in running Windows on a Mac.
Other options are to purchase and install VMWare Fusion or Parallels. Please visit their websites.
VM Fusion website: https://www.vmware.com/products/fusion.html
Parallels website: https://www.parallels.com/products/desktop/
There may be other emulation software programs, but these are the two most widely known. Auction Systems does not sell these software programs; you would need to contact the manufacturers directly or ask at your Apple store.
A!Online and A!Mobile auctions are a great deal of fun. When you begin data entry inside Auction!, you can also import the results back into Auction! desktop. You will have the comprehensive reports you've learned to depend on. You've got the full history of the event and can thank everyone from inside Auction! desktop. You can also use A!Online and A!Mobile as standalone products, with standard support.
First, there are more than 100 training videos. The videos are organized by topic: data entry for names, documents such as bid sheets, event night, etc. and lots more! Click here for details.
Second, there are many FAQs, tbd.
Third, you can post your question in our forum, tbd.
You can even earn points toward future support renewal by answering others' questions.
No. When you purchase Auction!, you are granted a permanent license for the individual organization, which includes support access during the first year. Subsequent years have a nominal fee to receive an updated license key; support is available for an additional fee.