General Info
No, but you'll need to purchase a license key each year for a nominal cost.
In subsequent year, to have access to all the support features and videos, you need to purchase a continuing support key. All support features are included in the first year.
For a little more in subsequent years, you get access to the support features and videos, and enable premium features such as credit card processing, bridge to online auctions and bridge to mobile auctions. Note: Premium Features are available at no cost during the first year of your license.
For a Mac, when you have a windows boot sector, you can use Auction! Desktop. Otherwise, you can use Auction! Cloud. It runs in a browser on any platform. It is already networked so your team can work together regardless of location or type of computer they own. (See Cloud pricing)
We do not like to depend on an internet connection to the cloud at the event. So we issue a license key that can be installed on your own computers for the event, in case wired internet is not available.
If you wish to run Auction! (or other PC-based software) on a Mac, you’ll need to make your Mac run as a PC. Please see the Apple website:
https://support.apple.com/mac for help in running Windows on a Mac.
Other options are to purchase and install VMWare Fusion or Parallels. Please visit their websites.
VM Fusion website: https://www.vmware.com/products/fusion.html
Parallels website: https://www.parallels.com/products/desktop/
There may be other emulation software programs, but these are the two most widely known. Auction Systems does not sell these software programs; you would need to contact the manufacturers directly or ask at your Apple store.